вторник, 1 ноября 2011 г.

Medecins Sans Frontieres - Switzerland Agok, Abyei in South Sudan Programme Medical Doctor Job

MSF Switzerland (MSFCH) is a humanitarian medical organization providing emergency medical aid to populations in need.

At present, MSFCH operates in three programmes locations in Kenya, Somalia and Sudan:

Location: Agok, Abyei in South Sudan

Start date: September 2010

Type of contract: 12 months fixed term (with possibility of extension)

Main Tasks:
  • Carry out medical and surgical activities
  • Ensure the quality of medical activities and hygiene are maintained
  • Ensure supervision and training of a team of medical assistant
  • Ensuring efficient use of resources and medical equipment utilization.
  • Make rounds in IPD/ITFC according to the schedule
  • Monitoring, evaluation and reporting of medical activities in respective activities.
  • Ensure and organise medical activities for patients and/or a population in accordance to the context and MSF protocols
  • Supervisory visits to OPD and Mobile clinic sites
  • Medical viagra cialis online pharmacy pharmacy with diploma/degree recognised by the government and registered and licensed by the Kenya Medical and Dentists Board.
  • Knowledge of basic surgical skills in Caesarean Section and wounds
  • 2 year experience working in a busy hospital setup as a medical doctor
  • MSF experience an advantage
Personal qualities:
  • Organized, methodical and accurate
  • Able to work to strict deadlines and under pressure.
  • Good team player.
  • Motivated with a demonstrated ability to adapt to new working methods.
  • Ability to live and work in a multidisciplinary and multicultural environment.
Send your CV, motivation letter, copies of relevant documents, mentioning on the envelope "Medical Doctor" to:

The Deputy Medical Coordinator
MSF-Switzerland, Kenya Mission
P.O. Box 25091 - 00603,
Lavington, Nairobi

Deadline: Friday, 27th August 2010.

Only short-listed candidate will be contacted.

суббота, 29 октября 2011 г.

Watermelon Body Fluid Replacement

Watermelon is a fruit that is very often encountered in the market, supermarket, mini market, and stalls. Lots of watermelon spread throughout the world with many-different types and colors. There are colored yellow and red watermelon. There are so many benefits you can get when eating watermelon.

Watermelon most often served as a fruit and desserts in a variety of events, because of easily available and contain many vitamins and antioxidants that are good for health. It also contains important nutrients that are beneficial to man's sex life. What is it?

In addition to many contain vitamin C, potassium and vitamin B6, watermelon also contains antioxidant compounds that help fight free radicals cause cellular damage.

Not only that, watermelon is also rich in amino acids citrulline and arginine, which both have a positive impact on the body. Research shows that nutrients in watermelon is to provide an abundance of benefits, especially for male sexual capability.

Some of the benefits of watermelon for the sex life of men as reported by LIVESTRONG on Thursday (01/19/2011): 

1. Preventing prostate cancer.

According to research from Curtin University of Technology in Australia, watermelon contains many antioxidant lycopene that may protect men against prostate cancer.

Prostate cancer is the second most deadly cancer. In addition, men with prostate cancer may experience decreased sexual function and fertility because of radiation treatment techniques. 


2. Treating type 2 diabetes.

High content of arginine in watermelon can help treat diabetes type 2 (due to lifestyle). Studies have found arginine can improve glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity, both of which help lower the high glucose levels and is associated with diabetes. 

Men who have diabetes is associated with loss of sexual performance due to erectile online pharmacy.

3. Improve blood vessel function.

According to research from Texas A & M University, citrulline is found in watermelon can help improve blood vessel function. Researchers found that citrulline can increase nitric oxide production, namely the gas molecules that help expand and dilate blood vessels. Therefore, the watermelon is often referred to has the effect of Viagra because it can facilitate blood flow to the penis. 

4. Lowering blood pressure.

Watermelon also has long been known as a fruit that can lower blood pressure. With normal blood pressure, men increasingly turned away with all the dangerous diseases such as heart disease and stroke. 

There are so many benefits of watermelon for your body. From now on get used to eating watermelon for dessert.

вторник, 24 мая 2011 г.

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вторник, 3 мая 2011 г.

Mideast Rain; Exploring Andalucia

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Welcome citrate generic cheap cialis there the Accuweather.com International Travel Blog! I'll be discussing where in the world the weather will impact your travel plans, and occasionally mention some interesting tidbits about these areas.

Philosophy in the Spam Filter

I'm preparing to visit family, and I'm uncertain what internet access I'll have until after New Year's. But there will be some posts that I've pre-scheduled.

In the meantime, I was cleaning out spam that had been caught in my spam filter and found some of it rather funny; I'd heard about spammers using bots that have algorithms to make comments more relevant, or more relevant-like, but I hadn't come across them before. And what I discovered is that order cialis is apparently relevant to all philosophical problems, albeit in a slightly risqué way. But some of them are amusing, and it serves as a way to revisit some old posts.

On a 2007 post about testimonial injustice:

Agree, It's anoying when some people 20 years ago, disapproved the use of the generic cialis because was against the nature and bla bla and now this product helps a lot of people around the world. Thanks for sharing.

While it's certainly not true that taking viagra is, as such, unnatural I'm not so sure this is true of every intention with which it is used. But that's only loosely related to testimonial injustice, if at all.

On a 2008 post about appeal to intuitions in philosophy:

I think it is convenient that we trust our intuitions because most of the time they are warning symbols. I have noticed that since I am taking viagra online I have more intuitions.

Since the point of the post is that there is no good account of what counts as an intuition, I suppose one could call them intuitions; and I suppose they are 'warning symbols'. But, of course, there's no particular reason to think more intuitions are a good thing.

On a 2008 post that quotes Aquinas on two kinds of division:

You're right, I think the species, always the members of the division, are on a par in the point, and you can find more information from Generic Viagra and then you can fix this blog. By the way I do work in early modern philosophy, like you do.

I suppose that's one way to respond to the currently bad job market; but who knew that generic viagra provided information on medieval logic? I bet you didn't know that.

On a 2008 post about Virginia Woolf's famous claim that she had to kill the angel in the house:

I liked the headline above, and I agree with you about the womens. I do not believe that you know, maybe you can share things from Generic Viagra and that would be great. It becomes not merely art that they can inspire but the state to which they are expected to aspire.

So viagra becomes not merely art that they can inspire but the state to which they are expected to aspire? That sounds a bit disturbing. But it does tie in with occasional feminist worries about the potential dangers of a Viagra culture.

On a 2007 post about the virtue of epieikia:

First of all, it is pretty important to define justice since several points of view because in my opinion it is not fair to have someone in jail because of misdemeanor. I think it is so cruel that thy can not take viagra online.

Well, that isn't too far from epieikia, of course; but it's a stronger position than I think most people would argue.

Of course, there are some non-philosophy ones. On a 2008 post about deus ex machina and children's stories:

I like Narnia because it is a mix of fantastic elements all creating a scary story out of innocence! I remember I read the last book and I couldn't stop until I finished it! I had to take much viagra online.

Also a bit disturbing; not my response to The Last Battle at all. He seems to have misunderstood the point of "further up and further in."